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  1. Fees cover one full term. Discounts or refunds will not be given for classes missed by the pupil, unless explicitly arranged with WRDC.

2.  White Rabbit Drama Club should receive fees by the date shown on the invoice.

3.  We offer a 2-week trial session for £10. Before a trial session, parents/carers will need to complete the White Rabbit Drama Club registration form. If the pupil joins White Rabbit Drama Club after the trial period, a new invoice will be issued for the remaining sessions of term, with payment required before the next class.

4.  All fees are non-refundable. If a pupil has a long-term illness or injury, fees may be refunded at WRDC’s discretion. This does not include minor illness or holidays taken during the term.


5.  In line with NHS guidance, pupils should NOT attend class if they, or anyone in their household, have any of the following symptoms or have done in the previous 14 days:

  • New, continuous cough

  • High temperature

  • Loss or change to sense of taste or smell

6.  White Rabbit Drama Club Leaders may take pupils’ temperatures at the start of each club in a calm & friendly manner, using a non-intrusive, non-contact temperature checker. Parents are required to remain within close distance of the venue for 5 minutes, to ensure that anyone presenting with a high temperature can be collected swiftly.

7.  Your child should NOT attend the club and Anna Izquierdo should be informed immediately if ANY of the following applies:

  • If the pupil or anyone in their household have symptoms of Covid-19

  • If the pupil or anyone in their household have tested positive for Covid-19

  • If you have been asked to self-isolate by NHS Track & Trace

  • If you arrive in the UK from a country with a high Covid-19 risk

8.  Due to Covid-19 restrictions, parents are unable to remain in the building for the duration of the class and may instead be asked to drop off and collect at the Entrance to the building. Parents/carers must adhere to the current government guidelines for social distancing when dropping off/collecting their child.

9.  In class, if a pupil becomes unwell and is displaying symptoms of Covid-19:

  • They will be asked to move to a well-ventilated space at least 3 metres away from other pupils.

  • If possible and where staff are available to help, the child will be supervised in a separate room.

  • The club leader will decide if it is safe & reasonable to ask the child to wear a face covering and a disposable mask will be provided.

  • The club leader will contact the parent/carer for the child to be collected immediately.

  • Parents of all children attending the class will be notified and asked to monitor their child for symptoms.

10.  Drama: If a second child from the same class displays symptoms, the parent MUST notify White Rabbit Drama Club immediately and the entire class will move online for 2 weeks to allow for an adequate period of quarantine. No refunds will be given for this 2 week period.

10a. Art & Props: In the event of a year group bubble being asked to isolate, WRDC Art and Prop Design will provide packs of individual craft supplies for each child, covering the period of isolation. A link to a clear and easy to follow instructional video created by Thea & Katie, will be sent to all pupils isolating.

11.  Drama: In the event of a National or Local Lockdown coming into force, all classes will be moved online and we will endeavour to keep class times & teachers the same. Where it is not possible to keep the same teacher for online classes, we will ensure that a regular White Rabbit Drama Club teacher leads the online club and that all DBS certificates and training are up to date. A refund of 20% only of class fees paid for the period of online sessions will be refunded, to allow for the adjustment in learning and lack of venue space. All other fees will not be refunded. * Please read below for more details.

11a. Art and Prop Design Classes:
In the event of a Local or National Lockdown coming into force, WRDC Art and Prop Design will provide packs of individual craft supplies for each child, covering the period of lockdown. A link to a clear and easy to follow instructional video created by Thea & Katie, will be sent to all pupils. A refund of 20% only of class fees paid for the period of home video & craft pack sessions will be refunded, to allow for the adjustment in learning. All other fees will not be refunded. * Please read below for more details.

12.  To comply with our Covid-19 risk assessment, a one-way system is in operation at all venues. Students must abide by the one-way system, entering & exiting as directed by the teacher/assistant.

13.  To avoid cross-contamination, pupils must arrive on time, bringing as little as possible into the building with them.


  • Named water bottle

  • Hand sanitiser (we will have had sanitiser in every room but understand that some pupils prefer to use their own)

  • Tissues

  • Jumper (as venues will be well ventilated and some doors may be left open)

  • Medication/medical equipment (if required)


14.  Classes are private and run by club leaders without parental/carer supervision. Children must be confident to leave parents in order to attend a class with us, as additional adults in the room can be distracting for pupils. Each WRDC leader holds an up to date Enhanced DBS certificate and at least one WRDC 12hr paediatric first aider is onsite.  

15.  If a class is cancelled due to teacher illness, it will be rescheduled, usually during the school holidays. If this is not possible, a refund for the cancelled class will be deducted from the next term’s fees.

16.  White Rabbit Drama Club cannot be held responsible for classes cancelled due to circumstances beyond their control. If it is necessary to cancel a class due to adverse weather conditions/force majeure, class fees will not be refunded.

17.  Children must be on time to arrive and collected/dropped off at the time specified for their class, unless explicitly arranged with WRDC.

18.  If a parent/carer is late to collect a pupil, the child will be kept inside the building. Please be aware that we may be unable to supervise them once the lesson has ended. Parents/carers are aware that it is necessary for us to clean and clear the space once a lesson has ended and any risk of injury to the child once a club time has ended is the sole responsibility of the parent/carer.

19.  School age children from Reception – Year 5 are required to be dropped off and collected by a responsible adult. If the person collecting is different to the parent/carer specified on the registration form, White Rabbit Drama Club MUST be informed prior to the class. Pupils from Year 6 upwards are permitted to walk home alone ONLY if explicitly arranged by the Parent/Carer in advance. Without this arrangement, they must be collected by a responsible adult as above.

20.  Drama is a physical activity and pupils take part in the club at their own risk. To minimise this risk, White Rabbit Drama Club will always ensure that at least 1 drama leader on site holds a 12hr paediatric first aid certificate and in most cases EVERY drama leader working holds this certificate.

21.  Our Safeguarding and Privacy Policy can be found at our website. Please contact Anna Izquierdo if you would like to receive a pdf version of these.


White Rabbit Drama Club aim to offer children a safe space to explore stories and their own imaginations in a nurturing environment and with the support of all members of the group. This behaviour policy for Parents/Carers and Children, has been created to help all pupils to feel calm, confident and encouraged during their time with us. By signing our Registration Form and joining the club, parents/carers are agreeing to adhere to the behaviour policy as set out below.


Whilst drama club is a space to explore and express a wide range of feelings and emotions, it is important that children try their best to listen to, and follow, the instructions of workshop leaders and assistants. This helps us to keep all children safe whilst they are in our care.

We teach children from a very young age and understand that each child develops at their own pace. However, we ask that all parents and carers support us in the following requests, which help to make the drama room a safe & supportive space for all.

  • Children are expected to respect all teaching staff and pupils.

  • Children are asked to be kind to one another, aiming to always have “Kind Hands, Kind, Feet, Kind Words.” This means that children should never intentionally hurt anyone physically or emotionally.

  • We ask that pupils join in with circle time, to show unity and support for all members of the group.

  • We ask that pupils try their best during games & activities and that they ask for help where needed.

  • We ask that pupils adhere to the rules set out by the workshop leader. These may include; not climbing/jumping/running in the space unless instructed as part of an activity and treating all pupils in a respectful and safe way.

  • Behaviour that puts the safety of others at risk will not be tolerated.

Behaviour Policy:

White Rabbit Drama Club have a ‘3-Step’ Warning System regarding disruptive behaviour in all of our clubs. This is designed to allow children to make better choices and to reach their full potential in class. Workshop Leaders are expected at all times, to demonstrate patience & understanding of the child as an individual and to offer classes that inspire, encourage and engage.

If a pupil’s behaviour is consistently disruptive, the following 3 Step warning system will be adhered to:

  • 1st Step – The workshop leader will issue a ‘1st Step’ verbal warning.

  • 2nd Step – If disruptive behaviour continues, the child will be issued a 2nd Step warning and may be asked to take a break from the game or activity. DSL (ANNA IZQUIERDO) will be informed.

  • 3rd Step – Following 2 verbal warnings, the child will be asked to leave the classroom for a minimum of 5 minutes and parents informed at the end of the session. If this happens on more than 2 occasions during the term, it will be decided whether it is appropriate for that child to continue for the remainder of that term.

  • If appropriate, parents may be contacted during the club and asked to collect their child from the session.

Serious behaviour incidents may fall outside of this procedure and the parent/carer will be informed at the end of the class. Any steps taken will be communicated within 24 hours

The Terms and conditions above have been set out to assist us in offering a safe, supportive learning environment for all. For any questions, please contact Anna Izquierdo at

***A note about sections 10 + 11: Covid-19 refund policy***

Although we would love to offer a greater refund in the event of quarantine, National or local lockdown, and to  be in a position to make the switch to online classes optional, unfortunately (with venue hire fees often non-refundable, the ongoing cost of overheads including insurance, training etc, along with the impact felt after our sudden closure in March 2020) we are sadly no longer in a position to do so. Our aim, however, will be to offer an incredible experience for the children online during any period of lockdown. WRDC teachers have completed 17 successful weeks of Zoom sessions in the period April-August 2020 and we are confident that our online methods of teaching are engaging & enriching for the children and that they have a positive impact on pupil’s overall well-being during these times. Exceptions may be made only where a child has no access to Zoom. We do hope you understand and are grateful for your support.

Updated September 2021


The Exchange, 75, London Road, TW1 1BE

Twickenham Library, Garfield Road, TW1 3JT

St Mary's Church of England School, Twickenham 

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©2017 by White Rabbit Drama Club

Photo Credits: , David Wright and Daisy Gray

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